I live in Mississippi but work in Memphis. As has been stated, Memphis is most certainly the black eye of Tennessee (no pun intended). It, however, is no different than most major urbanized cities in this country. One difference here is that almost all of the crime is black on black. Whites may be out numbered, but we won't take the BS. One victim of this mob was white, but two others were black. Memphis is slap full of deadbeat worthless naggers but as someone who works in one of the worst parts of town and is all over the city, it just isn't half as bad as outsiders think. I would take here over chicago, detroit, or the entire northeast. This is still the south, and 9 times out of 10, if you are polite and decent to them, they are decent back to you. Doesn't mean they like you or they are worth a damn, but showing a little respect does a long way. I rarely have had an issue and thankfully I have never had to pull my gun. In fact, closest I have ever come to pulling my gun was in Nashville, not Memphis. I have no desire to defend this city as it can be rough and it sure as hell is run about as well as the federal government these days, but it's just not as bad as you might think.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
-Thomas Jefferson