Good luck with your new pup......

I hope when you say you are "getting itchy to hit the woods" that you aren't planning on hunting over him at 12 weeks of age....that's kinda young, not matter how great he is.
Also, a word of caution: I heard through the grapevine that one/some of the dogs at the Woods-n-Water weekend have come down with parvo (read it over on the M-S website). You may want to keep a close eye on him and take him to a vet right away if he starts showing symptoms.....I would imagine that NONE of the pups that were there would have much in the way of immunity, irregardless of whether or not they were vaccinated, due to their age.
Again..........nice looking pup and good luck!

"If you dog thinks you're the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!"