Thanks DF,

I've seen that before, but what attracted me to the loads (or at least the concept) in the article was not that they were necessarily low-recoil loads, just lower "power" loads. I sure don't need full-house 200 grain loads for hunting whitetails in the Black Hills and even less appropriate would be the 3,000+ fps lower grain loads.

The idea that I could load a 180 grain bullet to say 2,700 fps or a 150-165 grain to around 2,500 fps just seems really useful for reasons not related to recoil reduction.

I'm sure this is all quite possible, but all of the reduced loads I see concentrate on the recoil reduction aspect and seem to focus on even lighter bullets (125 or so.)

Granted, the obvious answer is to shoot a 30-06 or 30-30 when appropriate. Great, except I have neither of those and a bunch of the folks I hunt with are like that - we have 1 big game rifle sized to the biggest game or most challenging conditions we face and then try to adjust down or else end up shooting a 150 lb whitetail at 50 yards with a 150 grain bullet going way too fast and blow a bunch of meat to magpie bait.
