Originally Posted by safariman
1) this is just the internet 2) Illegitimae Non Carbeurundeum 3) here, I was merely wanting to start an idea sharing thread with a method that was working for me and has been for some time. This was supposed to spark some brainstorming and learning how other people in different regions manage to hunt on private lands.

For the scoffers, I just this evening met with a landowner who is letting me and my friends hunt his place for the very first time. Gave us written permission and a detailed, with contours, map of his place.

It might be more appropriate to ask the folks who have shown thier colors as negative, thread hijacking scab pickers why THEY did this to a thread that was intended to be helpful to others and possibly of use?

Did you scam them on an anuity also?

Originally Posted by captain seafire
I replace valve cover gaskets every 50K, if they don't need them sooner...