Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by bucktail
Is it just the big ones that bring that kind of coin? I think I paid $6 for Griswald #5 I fried my eggs in this morning.

3 questions:
Is it a hundred years old?
What shape is it in?
When did you buy it?

Pretty much #5 and up are in demand in pristine condition. Also, part of consideration of value is presence of the heat ring, flatness of bottom, and logo, to mention a few.

1. I got it at a garage sale, so I don't know how old it is, but I doubt that it's 100. The texture on the bottom is only worn smooth on the outside inch or so. It has a 724 and an H under the Erie PA stamp that is under the Griswold logo on the bottom if that means anything.

2. It's in good shape. Due to be seasoned again, but isn't warped or damaged in any other way.

3. I got it last summer.

It's flat and in good shape. Probably not pristine though. It has honest wear on the bottom and the handle.

If you love someone set them free
If they come back no one else liked them
Set them free again