Interesting how most folks still rely on MSM for their positions politically and socially... even if it's Fox news, Rove, Rush or talk radio.

In today's google world it takes a few minutes to see real world statistics.

The three million touted republicans staying home was really just over two million and what was left out was four and a half million democrats stayed home. Overall voter participation was down 4% from '08 and the repubs were down 1.2%.

Republicans are down to 25% from a high of 37% in '04, democrats are down to 31% from their high in '08 and independents are now at a high of 42%.

Old folks dieing, demographics changing.

Five swing states controlling the presidential election.

Neither party can win the presidency by themselves.

Crossover voting from democrat to repub or visa versa is statistically a nonfactor. The parties at 25% and 31% have been distilled down to their hardest core.

Fraud, voter ID, reorganization of district boundaries.

There are a multitude of real world issues that have to be addressed if we are to ever win another presidential election... but this was the same in '08 and '12 and few were listening.

Most would rather regurgitate the same old mantra they hear on the radio or TV and how we were F'ed by the hot topic of the day. Bitch about a Paul supporter in AZ, Alaska, Montana, Kentucky, Utah, who argue they will stay home... if it wasn't in a swing state it's just semantics and even if it was there wasn't enough stayed home to make a difference.

At the same time you work to change the face of our political future by changing the faces in politics... you better be doing what Randy said and be putting your family in the best position possible, in a hostile climate that may not be reversible.
