Originally Posted by toad
Originally Posted by Ramblin_Razorback

Toad, I don't know what interest you have in putting out false information, but today CNN is reporting almost 4500 Ebola deaths. That's more than twice as many as what you wrote.

numbers from google, but let's use 4500. still not in a panic.

I'm not advocating panic. I'm advocating the public holding the Administration's feet to the fire to be aggressive in attacking the Ebola problem. The initial actions have not given any reason to have confidence that the Administration can develop adequate plans to minimize the effect of the current Ebola outbreak on U.S. citizens who aren't going to West Africa.

Inept and the antithesis of proactive, with possibly some ideological corruption thrown in for good measure, seem to be the best descriptions for the current Administration. That is not the description for who you want trying to contain an outbreak of an awful and deadly (50-70% mortality) disease.