A few weeks ago was my first attempt at canning, so this probly isnt any news to most of you.

I had half a deer from last year,4 of this years spring turkeys from several mid-western states, that i've hauled around the country with me till i got home in september,and part of a pronghorn from this year.

The turkey and pronghorn turned out awesome, and stood all on their own with no bullion or anything.

The deer I tried plain with nothing but water added, AU-JU (french dip mix), beef bullion,and tomato juice samples. It was edible but not all that good..Till i tried one of the four bottles that i filled with tomato juice and a teaspoon of beef bullion, holy chit it was good..all of my deer will be going in tomato juice from now on.

I browned the meat, i've read that you dont need to but it really wasnt a big deal.

So if you havnt tried pressuring deer meat with tomato juice, i highly recommend you give it a try.

Bottles from my first attempt (still had a batch on the stove when i took this)..Great way to clear out the freezer of last years leftover meat, IMO.

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I have Eileen's "sausage season", but after reading it i just dont know that i'm that committed! Frikken sasage making is akin to rocket science to this cooking knuckle dragger..That and my first attempt was an epic fail, kitchen aids "stuffer" is a joke.