As I noted in my "Welcome to the New Normal" thread, before I saw this one...

I've long believed that the day would come when lone-wolf, home-grown and other varieties of Jihadist attacks would become commonplace in the U.S. Whether administration officials or left-of-center media call them terrorist attacks or not (Ft. Hood, the beheading in Ok., the two attacks in Canada this week and others) they are exactly that: acts of terror, designed to instill fear. So my question is... Do those who argue in favor of more gun control actually feel safer tonight -- and can they even make that claim with a straight face? Can they still cling to the myth that gun-free zones are the answer? Can they REALLY believe that refusing to call terror what it is -- and herding citizens into zones where their right to self-defense has been removed -- is a formula for anything but disaster? Good luck with that... I believe I'll stay in Texas.

If you're fixin' to put a hole in something,
make it a hole to remember.