Originally Posted by Kentucky_Windage
As I noted in my "Welcome to the New Normal" thread, before I saw this one...

I've long believed that the day would come when lone-wolf, home-grown and other varieties of Jihadist attacks would become commonplace in the U.S. Whether administration officials or left-of-center media call them terrorist attacks or not (Ft. Hood, the beheading in Ok., the two attacks in Canada this week and others) they are exactly that: acts of terror, designed to instill fear. So my question is... Do those who argue in favor of more gun control actually feel safer tonight -- and can they even make that claim with a straight face? Can they still cling to the myth that gun-free zones are the answer? Can they REALLY believe that refusing to call terror what it is -- and herding citizens into zones where their right to self-defense has been removed -- is a formula for anything but disaster? Good luck with that... I believe I'll stay in Texas.

you can just as accurately describe these lone wolf muslim attacks as acts of political and religious aggression. They might not be going for terror. Looks like they are just trying to kill, as acts of revenge, or to even the score.
Regardless, they have a common denominator. They are all acts committed by folks that either are, or call themselves, MUSLIMS.
