Originally Posted by CaptEdIII
Have you seen any of their pictures at work? They look like they were on a mission to the moon.
So I ask again, how did the doctors & nurses get infected with all that protection?

When dealing with a pathogen that is as deadly and virulent as Ebola, the PPE that is required, and getting into and out of it, is very 'involved'. It requires more than just one person to safely and effectively get someone into and out if this particular type of PPE. Any slip up, no matter how minor, can expose the wearer to the pathogen. None of us are perfect, and we all make slip ups...even under the most 'extreme' of circumstances...sometimes especially 'under' the most extreme of circumstances. Even getting a small piece of a rubber glove caught in the buckle while snapping on a respirator can course a breach...leading to contamination. It's a bad bug...and it's scary stuff.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.