The only reason DMT is better than a Norton is because the DMT stays flat and lasts longer.

Unless you need to sharpen really large blades, and not necessarily then, you don't have to get the expensive DMT stones.The 6" stones will do fine.

Why don't you try a 6" red DMT? Then if you want the other stuff later you can buy it. That 6" DMT can go anywhere with you a lot better than a sharpening kit and it's only about $30. It's all you will need to keep a knife sharp. It will actually be better after it has worn a little finer, so you can add a ceramic rod for now if you want. Use the ceramic after the DMT and before the strop untill the DMT wears a little finer.

My only point in all this is that most of us would be better served to spend that $300 on a good quality knife that already has a properly ground edge and just keep it sharp with a simple stone and strop. My Dozier only requires a couple swipes on the worn DMT to restore an edge. If I want to go from shaving sharp to scary sharp I strop a couple dozen wipes on compound loaded leather.

I like Edge Pro. I do agree with you concerning ultimate sharpness. I just don't think surgery sharp scalpels are necessary or even desirable in a hunting knife.They are fun to play with and show off, so have fun my friend.