Originally Posted by DigitalDan
Well, I'm pretty sure I would not be shooting in a urban area with anything other than my middle finger. Couple of alternatives not mentioned so far:

A 12 weight flyrod, orange and red streamer. You get a grand fight and plausible deniability.

Trap it, put a shock collar on it. Or skunk scent. Release and behave responsibly.

A baited CATapult.

A good varmint call. It might bring dogs and cats together?

Just suggestions.

Thanks very kindly! It's not like I haven't put any thought into this! It's been going on for a couple years now and I'm fed up with pussyfooting around with this little son of a bitch!

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen my fly rod in a long long time! I wonder where the hell that went!!!!

The trap thing's never gonna work unless I can camo the trap somehow. He just won't get anywhere near it.

The CATapult just might work but I'd probably just get our dog and end up getting skinned and quartered!

I have been playing with some varmint calls but usually end up calling in foxes and yotes! They end up catching and eating one of the cats but never the ones that need to be eaten! lol

back to the fly rod, ya think I should use a catgut leader for that???

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns! (from a 1960's bumper sticker)