I like the Outdoor Edge a LOT better than the Havalon. Although I will say that I own an Outdoor Edge but do NOT own a Havalon, and this is the reason why: One of my hunting buddies and I were gutting a ~175lb whitetail in the dark and cold and he was using his Havalon and got a terrible cut from a piece of the blade that had broken off and neither of us had noticed it.

I was holding the ribcage open and he was cutting around the diaphragm and was laid open to the bone across the index and middle fingers, and gashed on the ring finger, all on his right hand. He ended up with 4 stitches in the index and two in the middle finger. It was a relatively small piece of the blade that broke/splintered off. I had a heck of a time finding the broken off piece before I finished the job with my old Cold Steel Master Hunter. After that "adventure" I won't have anything to do with the Havalon when a stronger, safer knife like the OE is available.

I keep my old Master Hunter hair flingin' sharp and I really can't see much difference in field dressing speed, except when cutting loose the genitals and cutting around the a-hole. I'll give the advantage to the OE there, but when opening up the belly and especially the ribcage, I'll take the old Master Hunter.

I love the OE for caping, but for me, again, I can't see a huge difference in the speed of skinning vs. the MH, although I'll give a slight advantage to the OE there.

Bring enough gun and know how to use it.

Know that it is not the knowing, nor the talking, nor the reading man, but the doing man, that at last will be found the happiest man. - Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)