A bud ruined one of the OEM tires and damaged another one on his Sierra 1500 two years ago while hunting in CO and wound up with a new set of LTs on that truck (only set the rural dealer had in stock).

He's beeched and moaned about them ever since, due to slightly less MPGs and a rougher ride (in his opinion), plus the cost of the tires.

His choice at the time: Take what the dealer had to offer, or be without a truck until another set of tires could be shipped in and lose a day or two of hunting time out there.

I've had a few trucks over the years that I ran LTs on, but now mostly stick with whatever type of tire came on the truck when new. Probably because I'm older, squeakier and less adventurous?

If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.