Originally Posted by Dillonbuck
I shouldn't be so cynical but people that buy status four wheel drives kill me. If you need a four wheel drive than an lt tire is probably your huckleberry. If your ass is too tender than drive a luxury car. Sorry to insult but this topic is a pet peeve.


I'm one of those guys you love to hate.

My truck has a 140,000 plus miles on it and I've never ran a set of LT tires. I have smooth riding tires (and shocks) and my truck rides like a Cadillac. It corners exceptionally well and gets the best mileage, ever, with the current set of tires.

Every once in a while I'll pull the 4WD shift lever thingy just to see if works.

Nah. Not really. wink

I've put over 40,000 miles on it running in 4WD. grin