Brother Keith,

Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes I need to be reminded about having a thankful spirit.

I'm an analyst both by profession and in nature. I pick things apart to the nth degree.

I say that to preface my question because I don't want my question to come across as a challenge to what you've shared. Inflection is lost in text and I'm sincerely interested in this.

My question is, have you done a word study on that verse?

What is the original word for "will" used there?
Is it the same word used elsewhere?
What is the word thankful?
Is it used elsewhere?
How about the phrase "in all things"?

I'd be very interested if you've done this to read your notes.

Thanks again for this.

I've done a similar study on "faith" after reading that without faith it's impossible to please God.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.