Originally Posted by the_shootist

You have missed the point completely. Being THANKFUL in every thing is the will of God. Read the verse, man!

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1Thes 5:18

I never said anything about the good and bad things being the will of God . . . . that is your point, not mine. We are to be thankful in every thing -- whether the thing be good or bad, it is covered by the "every thing." And in THAT, we are to give thanks. It sometimes takes a deeper walk than I have to give thanks in some of the less seemly things on the face of this planet that come my way, but "the will of God" for me is to give thanks for it regardless.

An old Christian Shantyman that I had the pleasure of knowing used to explain that verse like this. If trouble comes upon you, just say, "Thank you, Lord, for this good trouble." That'll work.

No sir
That verse does not mean that I should be thankful for cancer because it is the will of God for me to have cancer. It means that in the midst of cancer I should be thankful for healing which God provides. Jesus didn't go around healing people of their diseases that God had willed them to have. That would have been a house divided against itself.

Now the reason I asked is that I don't know if that is what you meant at all. I ave however spoken to Christians so deceived that they thought cancer was the will of God and they wanted to give thanks for it.