Originally Posted by rosco1
the 30-378 is a damn fire breather.My accumark aint too bad recoil wise, but the blast will rattle your brain,I dont use it much anymore,but i do have high praise for that cart,even tho it burns up 115gr of scarce powder per shot...\

Still wish Roy would have done a 2.5" 378 based beltless (or not,dont matter) 6.5-30cal, much like Dakota attempted.

I used to reload for an associate that used to hunt with a 30-378 quite a bit. He would always pay me to sight in the damn thing for him. I wore earplugs plus muffs and it still rattled my brain and turned my world upside down. I hated it, but he paid well. He took it to Kazakhstan on some kind of exotic sheep or ibex hunt and said the guides hated and cussed that rifle extensively, although he made some terrific shots with it. Even though he said it made an awesome bean-field rifle, he finally got a belly full of it himself and it has collected dust for the past 11 years.

Bring enough gun and know how to use it.

Know that it is not the knowing, nor the talking, nor the reading man, but the doing man, that at last will be found the happiest man. - Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)