We had to have the pickup worked on last weekend so I took it to the dealer up north... Coming home we spotted a big covey of chukars feeding on the side of a mountain.. They were loafing along and old road.. The light snow made them easy to spot.. I couldn't believe my eyes.. I have hunted hard for days for these buggers, and got only one or two.. Many times none.. Here was a big group away from their beloved rocks.. Needless to say the dogs and I put a stalk on them, and for once things turned out right.. I got one early riser, then luck befell us, and I hit two with the second shot.. Used my old 12 ga. 870 and Federal copper 3 1/4- 1 1/4- 6's.. But our luck was not over.. We headed on home, and spotted a second covey, but smaller.. Similar deal, this time I got two out of the covey.. I have never even come close to a limit, and here it was handed to us by simply being ready for an unexpected chance...
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Molon Labe