Thanks guys. I appreciate the support and the kind comments on what we do. Hope we continue to produce something you find worth your time to watch.

Been out chasing Montana mule deer for the last ten days and just saw this post. Mostly, been out trying to not get frostbite and doing experiments on how much abuse video cameras can take and still keep operating. Last Wednesday we that found the new Sony craps out at -14F with a 20mph wind. The batteries in all of them go from 300 minutes of capacity to dead in about a half hour when conditions are like they were last week. Glad I am not the camera guy who is paid to make sure that stuff operates under these conditions.

In spite of many challenges similar to those explained above, my wife will tell you that this TV show "Is the best job he ever bought." Point being, if you are going to start a hunting TV show focused on self-guided public land hunting, don't quit the day job. You had better love hunting and trying to tell a story of the average guy, no matter the conditions, no matter how many days since you showered, no matter how many days you have slept in cold damp tents, no matter how many re-hydrated meals you have eaten, no matter how much work is waiting for you back at the office, no matter ......; and I do.

Hope you all have/had great seasons. We are blessed to live in such a great country where anyone can be a hunter, own guns, and go to the public lands to get some of the world's finest protein.

My name is Randy Newberg and I approved this post. What is written is my opinion, and my opinion only.

"Hunt when you can. You're gonna run out of health before you run out of money."