Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by RoninPhx
bluedreaux's comments about ol white guys makes me think of a guy i once knew that rented from us. O'reilly was black irish, a WWI vet when i knew him, rolled his own cigarettes, and lived for the monthly v.a. check. when recieved he would go up the street to whiskey row in prescott, and drink it up. He also carried a cane. One night rather well drunk, he was on his way home when a couple of young tuffs jumped him, and the 80 year old something man just literally beat the cr*p out of them, and they went to the hospital. The police investigated, and said it was self defense on "the old white man's behalf"
So mr. young whipper snapper, beware one of the ol fahrts carrying a cane, you might get your comeuppance.

I don't think you can classify the Irish as white.


actually he use to refer to himself as "black irish"