Originally Posted by DocRocket
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
the flood of hispanics in the past few years has nothing to do with 'integrating' into the American main stream. They don't/won't speak English, they are strictly here for a free ride, they bring disease, pestilence and crime with them, and they are ILLEGAL.
We don't need or want a damn one of 'em.

I don't think the Hispanics and Asians will be able to keep from integrating into the mainstream over the course of a couple of generations.

It's already been shown that they do,..and have been for a long, long time.


Where I live, Hispanics outnumber Anglos 4 to 1. But there's not a whole lot of difference between the two groups. We all drive pickups and wear cowboy hats, boots & jeans. Other than the grandmas, everybody speaks English (although most speak at least some Spanish). We all go to church, most families are led by a married heterosexual couple, and almost everybody works at a real job. Oh, and the last few elections were freakin' owned by the Republican party.

Hispanics don't subscribe to "white guilt". For the most part they're strongly prejudiced against blacks, actually. The overriding sentiment I heard down at the truck stop this morning about Ferguson was contempt for the rioters and all those who stirred them up, including Obama, CNN, and Sharpton.

Yep, Obama's idea to let in a bunch of Hispanics so they'll vote Democrat is sure workin' out for him here.

You are describing Mexican Americans in Texas, Doc.

It's taking a long time for folks to learn what some of us have known for a long time;

The division that will doom us is urban/rural...... not ideology or race.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place