Originally Posted by ingwe
Thought so too.....

Lots of us weren't as racist 8 years ago, Obama has set race relations back fully 60 years.....

At every turn, this President and this AG have exacerbated racial tensions instead of lessening them. From the black professor questioned at his door by the white LEO to the black kid in Florida shot by Zimmerman to Ferguson, they couldn't but help suppress what seems to be their "inner-young-black-man-anger-against whites," and interject themselves.

On the other hand, during this presidency, there have been at least of handful of black on white murders, not counting the black-on-white Knock-out Game, that have occurred that somehow escaped this President and Holder's attention. No comment. Barely any media mention. The Knock-out Game is/was patently racial. Hmmm.

It's also ironic that in this country, where so many blacks have had such negative experiences, it is THIS country and no doubt Affirmative Action that have paved the way for both of these men (and many other blacks) to obtain where they are and what they have now. Want to try to do this in Ghana, Nigeria, or Liberia?

OTOH, blacks slaughtering each other in Chicago and other inner city ghetto's doesn't seem to be anything "they" or the MSM want to talk about either...Somehow the incredible, degraded state of black, inner city culture doesn't fit their talking points of white on black racism (though actually it is due at least in part due to liberal policies).

It seems to me there is a lot of cherry-picking of incidents they choose to speak out on betraying their own racism or agenda.