Originally Posted by FieldGrade
Originally Posted by 700LH
Instead of adding more, why not repeal all the unconstitutional second amendment laws on the books already?

This ^^^^
I'm not crazy about the idea of one person having more rights than I do (especially 2nd amendment) just because of military or civil service.

We should all live under the same laws.
No special 2nd amendment rights for military/law enforcement and no Obama Care waivers for congress.
Same laws for everyone,,, period.

Beautiful utopia you live in. I wish it were reality.

The only way you can get the 2nd Amendment upheld for everyone is to continuously uphold it for bigger and bigger chunks of society.

The wide brush you and I want would never happen. You know this.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.