they eat everything but the GI tract.

an adult jackrabbit will last them a week, a cottontail about 4 days.

in the field: they each get a pulled off front limb (including scapula) and the GI tract is removed, leaving the other organs intact.

at home: cottontails frozen whole, the jacks are split into 5 parts: 2 back legs, loinn section, chest section, and head (organs and skin stay with their section).

these pars are then placed into quart ziplocs and the whole rabbit into a gallon zip loc.

this makes it easy to grab a rabbit from the garage freezer and put it in the house freezer for that week, as well as pulling out a piece at a time for the fridge.

the back legs will last a day, day and a half, the loin 3 days (sometimes 4), the chest 2-3 days, and they get a head once a week (for beak conditioning)

for the kestrels, a rat pup (50g) will last two days

what a 15' chest freezer with 47 rabbits in it looks like:

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