Ah, there it is...name calling.

"When the debate is lost...slander becomes the tool of the loser."

You exemplify that very clearly.

Several posters on this thread have spoken to the issue. You, being a party cheerleader first and foremost...above reason, above common sense, and above facts...choose not to see the truth. Analogous to an ostrich sticking his head in a hole in the ground on a sunny day and saying "the sun isn't shining."

Critical thinking beats a team jersey all day long.

But it appears that's not something you would know anything about.

Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
based on recent history, the GOP, if a party of values, has not been true to their values. Under Bush, we got increased deficits and bigger gov't and more gun control.

Originally Posted by Ringman
Is the GOP a party of values?

Only on their platform; not in their actions.

Originally Posted by efw
...not to mention that the last two Presidential candidates the so-called GOP has put forward have been socialist gun grabbers who'd fit in fine with Dems.
No doubt you'll not be deterred from your Party Boy Cheerleading despite such inconvenient issues like facts so carry on.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.