If it is not true, it should be.

So, back in the 1930's, in the FDR, Great Depression days, the government is going to pay farmers to not, raise hogs.

To get paid to not raise hogs, of course you have to prove you do raise hogs.

One December day when the south wind is ripping from the south, the old farmer, and his son have all their hogs in the old hoghouse waiting for the government man to count them.

The government man is holding his clipboard counting the hogs as they push them out the south door.

After a while, the head count is more than the farmers know they have, and the hoghouse is still full of hogs.

A bit of quiet investigation reveals a loose board on the north end of the building where the hogs are coming back in on the cold day.

Remember the part about getting paid to NOT raise the hogs that were being raised?

So, this is a good deal for the farmers, but at some point the building has to empty out.

Before it got completely silly, the son goes back, and kicks a board over the hole.

These premises insured by a Sheltie in Training ,--- and Cooey.o
"May the Good Lord take a likin' to you"