I use little plastic vials that I keep in my shirt pocket. Each vial will hold 9 primers and I keep a spare in my pack. Illinois law requires that weapons be unloaded when walking on a road or road right of way and removing the primer from a muzzleloader qualifies as unloaded. I've been carrying my primers this way since 2010 and have yet to drop a primer or lose a vial. They are clear plastic, so I can easily see how many primers are left. I've no idea where I got them, so replacing them could be difficult. It's like a lot of things, it works for me, but you may have a system that works equally well for you. The T/C primer caddy looks interesting, but I don't like having the base of the primer exposed. I shoot BH209 which I carry preweighed in other plastic vials and Barnes 250 gr. TEZ bullets. I fired three shots this year, once to sight in and two deer downed. I'm so pleased with my muzzleloader that it's my deer hunting rifle of choice. Illinois doesn't allow centerfire rifles for deer hunting.