The info above from the AR web site was compiled and posted 28 May 2011. The day before that, 27 May 2011, the South African government changed their Biodiversity Act: Norms and standards for hunting methods in South Africa

You can click on the provided link above and download the *.pdf file directly from the RSA government web site. Look at Chapter 2, starting on page 5, they now have "minimums".

As ridiculous as they may be, they are still their national regulations.

Also, keep in mind that each province can modify (make more stringent) these national requirements.

Edited to Add:

Just went out to the PHASA (Professional Hunters Association of South Africa) web site and see they have updated it a lot. Once you are there, if you click on the drop down titled "LEGISLATION" you can find links to the "National Norms & Standards" as well as a list of "Provincial Nat. Conservation" regulations for those Provinces that have supplemented the national regs.