If you think it's just the average shooter doing this kind of stuff, you'd be mistaken.

One "top" shooter is famous for it and it's pitiful.

However, I have to say that there are plenty of times when a trapper and a shooter have disagreed on dead and lost calls, and the trapper is dead wrong.

Trappers generally aren't shooters and if they are, they aren't too good. Good shooters have good eyes. To shoot well, a shooter has to have total concentration on the bird. When you're in the Zone, you can see the dimples and read where "White Flyer" is stamped LOL!

I've seen plenty of instances where small chips come off of a target and they are called "lost" by the trapper. Usually a quick poll of the squad will convince the trapper he missed something, but sometimes the disagreement gets ugly.

But it remains that "bullying" trappers into "dead" calls happens all of the time. I've seen it done by individuals and also entire squads of friends who shoot together.....and bully together for each other. Sad.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.