Originally Posted by Tanner
I carried some Nikon ED-50s for a lot of miles, and really enjoyed them, but what I have learned about spotter weight/size can be summed up with a quote from somebody that I can't remember...

"A lightweight spotter is really important for when you have to hike across the canyon to see up close what your spotter couldn't show you..." grin

I am a huge believer in lightweight, compact gear, but a bigger spotter is one area I am willing to give up weight... They really can save you a ton of time and energy.


I have always been a believer that the best optics are the way to go regardless of circumstances or cost, would most of the time agree that Tanner's post is gut wrenching and noble. one thing left out is reality.

I went on a backpack deer hunt in Wyoming this fall that was brutal. had a great hunt with no regrets but after the hunt was over we had a discussion of what we would do different when we draw the tag again.......NEVER....EVER...take a 80mm spotter.

I will never get rid of my ALPHA 80 spotter, but I will never pack it to 12,000' again. Dont know what the best mini spotter is but I will find one before I go back.