Originally Posted by wabigoon
Good foggy morning Dwayne, I hope all is well in beautiful B.C.?

Food wise, the gravy, or mayonnaise on French fries throws a lot of Yanks.

I don't mind a tassel, but they fit poorly under a helmet.

We're doing well so far thanks sir, though its too warm for the ski hill operators I suppose as we're getting our precipitation in the form of rain lately.

You folks don't do gravy on fries? Somehow I didn't know that.... blush

Mayonnaise is an abomination suitable for food applications only to make potato salad in my view - but as you know I'm in a minority in that regard.

Some folks will put it on good steak up here for heaven's sake and no, there is utterly no help for that ailment.

I've converted to flat top toques these days mostly because they fit folded into a jacket pocket easier and since my natural head insulation has long since exited, I need all the artificial block heaters I can get.

Every fall and winter coat I own has a toque tucked into a pocket and spares are stuffed into the consoles of vehicles too.

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours my friend.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"