I just received word that the 2014 Safari Rifle Challenge is confirmed to air this Wednesday night, Jan 21st on the Outdoor Channel. As most of you know, the tv show "Shooting Gallery" was in attendance. They filmed Outdoor Life magazine editor John Snow (and some of you) shooting the various stages. They also filmed interviews and product profiles with many of the vendors that were there.

I appreciate all of the support that I have received from each of you and I hope to see you at shoot #5 on Sunday July 12, 2015.

P.S. The Libby Rod & Gun Club is in active negotiations with the National Forest Service to GREATLY expand our facilities. It is our intent to make the Lincoln County Shooting Sports Complex a destination range for all of the shooting disciplines. Things are looking good!

Here is a little teaser...

"The difference between adventure and disaster is preparation"
"Dangerous Game Hunting........because golf, football and baseball only require one ball"