Originally Posted by rost495
We were able, in TX to shoot almost every weekend, and sometimes twice a weekend. All within 3 hour or so or less drive.

Figured that was pretty good.

you had a bad RRA or a bad load if you were getting 7/8s and simply buying a WOP changed them to Xs.

RRA should be capable of winning about every match its shot in, with the right ammo. The sights would worry me more than anything in any non WOP rifle. Trigger notwithstanding.

May be my load in that I threw together 77s with RL15 and TAC without much workup but my WOPs are definitely way more accurate, even from position shooting, than my RRAs. Maybe I am not looking hard enough, but matches in NT, where I live, and panhandle, where I frequent, seem leaner. Panhandle people seem to be traveling to Capitan, NM and maybe a few other areas for matches. Up here closest seem to be Terrel (if there still doing it), that town east of Tyler where the Jack Black movie was set and Pearland. Never shot your way nor spent much time there but much of my extended family is from High Hill near you so maybe I should get down there if there are matches.