OK Bob, my prospective on this looks like it will differ a little from the rest of the Fire.

I have a good wife and I have long time good friends. Some of my friends are not her best buddies but she is a good woman and puts up with them just as I put up with some of her friends. It is a give and take thing that should be in every marriage relationship.

Your client is wealthy and wants to marry. The Pre-Nup that gives me pause. I do not believe a solid marriage can be formed when a Pre-Nup is involved. It shows a lack of real trust and if there is no trust then there is no bases for a solid marriage.

I am not any form of legal scholar but couldn't the business could be handled by the Corp documents stating it would go to the friend or what percentage would go the the friend in case of death of either party?

It also would seem to me that someone who loved a woman enough to want to marry would also wand to leave some of his estate to the wife at his passing. If Not a reasonable amount then again there is no foundation for marriage.

Just some of my thoughts for whatever they might be worth.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!