OK guys, here are 4 old beat up pistols. Parts guns only in my limited experience.

1. S&W think it is called a lemon squeezer? Has the bar in the grip you press or it will not shoot. 32 cal I believe.

2. F7W Forehand Looks like 32 cal. would not turn and 1 grip is chipped off at the bottom.

3. H&R 38 Grips ok and does turn

4. Young American Double Action. Don't think I would have shot this when brand new. Looks like it is made out of pot metal and the cyl is cracked. Grips are just fine though.

None of these are worth shipping, paying FFl etc. but if anyone can pick up local and use the parts, just let me know.



Some mornings, it just does not feel worth it to chew through the straps!~