My sample set is only 1.....and I am not trying to be critical. But don't spend too much time researching a trainer who has specifically trained a DD.

I'd spend those miles looking for a DD breeder or owner. Spend some time around the dog 1st hand. See what their about.

Each dog is vastly different, yet in the same breath, each is extremely similar.

I was fortunate to be the only pup ever sold(actually 2nd-the neighbor got one) in the local area to my breeder. And he has been a Pro trainer for various Working dogs/Bite work for many years.

So, yes...the little hiccups that came along where able to be fixed 1st hand by both of us. But there really were not that many hiccups.

My dog is VERY soft. I cannot lay a hand on him, or even physically move him into positions. Such as....if he breaks a Down/Stay and I need to drag him back to the spot and force him back down, he's done for the day. He will shut down and sulk. And I am not a heavy handed dog "Forcer". A yell from me and he knows he F'd up big time.

And the dogs are not "Turn Key", they really hunt to some degree right out of the box. Every one of them. So the whole hunting style is simply controlled hunting with a touch of obedience.

I only hunt ducks. And the Drive and Nose on the dog right out of the box is enough to do 80% of what I need.

The same could be said for Upland. Drive and Nose is part of the price tag. The dog should Point pretty easily, though mine took a good bit of work. I didn't care for it(until I committed to the Testing of the Breed) and I never got off on sticking a wing on a string in front of him. My dog is a young male with big balls. He wants to go find things and bring them back. Not point them. But he will. He developed a bit slower.

I can go through the VDD website and look for breeders in your area if you need the help. But I strongly suggest you go see them in person. Any good breeder should want to talk all day about their dogs and how great they are. I run demos all the time with my dog.

Please God, give me some good tags this year....