Really good constructive discussion. I gave some thought to another lab or Chessie and still in the exploring stage. I'm in no big hurry to purchase a dog.
We have owned labs for the last 15 years.

Our current lab has a great nose but she doesn't like the water or loud noises.
I'm guessing her first Fourth of July with the sharp sound of fire crackers ruined her for hunting.

Most of the time we will be waterfowl hunting, however upland a fair amount of time as well.
Last year my son and friends hunted geese on the Connecticut River to the seasons end in January. They used the boat to retrieve or waded where it was safe to do so.
I ordered the Drahtaar training book today and have spoke to several breeders in the last few weeks.
Heading to a VHD training program on Saturday for a few hours.