Originally Posted by heavywalker
Nice pic Gitem cherish it. My morning was the smoke detector in my room deciding it was going to warn me of a low battery at 3:30am, then the hour and a half between then and pulling the battery while I was deciding just how much of an annoyance it was, bout the time I did that my youngest 4 came in the room and let us know she spilled water all over her bed and needed help. Got up took care of that laid back down and the dog started whining to go out, got up did that, laid back down and here came the kiddo again... Got her back off to bed laid back down and the alarm went off. laugh

Wife and I raised six. I remember those mornings all to well but I still would never trade one of them.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!