Sean, you've got some pretty good answers.

Western Mountaineering is my favorite bag maker. Personally I have no use for synthetic bags, and have been using down bags for backpacking since I got my first in 1975. Agree with Snap, Western or Valandre are as good as it gets. Obviously Feathered Friends makes a top notch bag too.

I've never found it difficult to keep a down bag dry.

A word caution, I think most guys buy "too much" bag, ie a bag rated too warm. If you get a bag with a comfortable girth, you can always layer up. But sweltering in an overly warm bag isn't much fun. You can also always get an overbag and/or VBL to extend a bags tmep usefulness. Not sure I'd gravitate to a quilt if you're a cold sleeper.

I assume you're getting this bag, in part, for your CO elk hunts?

Before I'd recommend a bag, your physical details would be helpful... Height, weight, chest size (ie what size sport jacket do you wear). Deflave wanted me to ask pecker size too, but I'm still trying to figure out how that enters into it...


“Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away” Antoine de Saint-Exupery