I can't say it better than winpoor and bsa already has. Honesty first and foremost if you're dealing with someone else on a rifle that has had work. That being said, I don't see a thing in the world wrong with rehabbing a Mod.70 for your own use if a shooter is what it's going to be. Not everyone can afford a NIB or "minty" pre-64 (I can't) and I think the NEXT best thing for someone that the looks of their equipment matters to is a full refinish and professional reblue. All 3 of my pre-64s are already spoken for when I'm gone- to my 26 yr. old nephew, his wife, and their 3 yr. old son, who I hope will inherit the love of whitetail hunting both of his parents possess. Two of the rifles look great in their original condition and that's how they will be passed down. But frankly, the gun refinished by Weaver Rifles looks better than either one of them from a purely aesthetic point of view.