Since moving back to MI, this will be my first turkey season andI don't know squat. Family has about 100 acres here is SW MI. It has just about every thing on it from oaks to cherry to pines and even a swamp.

During the month of Jan, we were seeing anywhere from 20-50 turkey at a time. Feb they broke off into 2 groups (hens and toms) come end of April, do the toms go single or are they still grouped up? What kind of terrain dothey prefer in spring?

I'll be using my crossbow, dang thingies accurate out 40 yards. I could go buy a shotgun but I really want to use a crossbow so......I'm using the crossbow.

Eyesight and smell, how good are they?

I guess any tips you have I would appreciate it. If I get one great but I'm basically planning on learning this season.