I've been watching youtube videos of hunts all over Eastern Europe and Russia. When I lived in Germany in the early 90's A buddy and I planned a trip from Berlin to Istanbul and back. The wall had just come down and it was a whole new world to explore. I was young and ran out of money, etc., etc... The trip never happened and I ended up borrowing train money from another friend, Rolf, to get from Germany back to Amsterdam where I had an open ended ticket to NY on Tower air. I've always regretted not figuring out how to make it happen. Ironically, I'd sold my cherished M70 Lightweight in 30-06. It was my first deer rifle, I used a whole summer's hay bailing earnings to buy it used when I was 14. I regret selling that too.

Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty