I decided to give a ballistic reticle try after helping the brother pick one out. After years of 6x or bust I went with a VX3 B and C. Was beginning to think I would never get a chance to ring it out as have only 100 yd target so far - 200 is now in place but no chance at it yet. All deer, hogs and varmint have been inside 100 yds with it.

Last weekend saw a hog walking a large field and after dividing the distances into stages determined 400 yds ought to be close. Barely a breeze but with only a hastily found finger width branch for any sort of rest I zoomed to full power (I always have it near minimum) as hog walked in to view. Had third hash level with top of head very quickly as time was very tight and window very small. Only one step and snout was at vertical and I fired the 260. I saw dirt fly what looked like just below its head and was saying out loud to self - Wow that was close when to my amazement saw him tip over stiff legged deader n' door nail...whatever the hell that is.

Big boar. Discovered exit at base of off side ear. I was friggin stunned but could not help a short Mick Jagger strut.

I admit luck in so much as having recently shot the rifle and knowing its zero. Turns out I was dead on my range- a bit more luck. May not believe me but I paced off exactly 400 steps- which made me laugh. Was thankful for a nice light trigger.

Stars were aligned. I even shot my pistol like a champ out there. Wife who never comes out- did, and shot hers like a pro. Was just crazy and so much fun. 3 year old grandkid with me holding the 10/22- just epic.

Hope I am not sounding cocky. In truth part of me thinks I should sell all my guns, claim victory and never shoot again. laugh If I can ever have another day like that I will truly be blessed- as if I wasn't already.

Point in telling mostly- if you want a ballistic reticle the B and C seems to work pretty damn well as advertised.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius