Originally Posted by TF49

Atheism is a belief, theory and a philosophy arguably intending to explain man's origin, his core nature and his future.

This is religion, right?

I think the OP is confusing atheism with the theory of evolution. While virtually all atheists are evolutionists and look to science for evidence that may point to certain conclusions about man's origin, his nature and future, not every evolutionist is an atheist. An atheist is just someone who has concluded there is no god, due to a lack of evidence. Now the christian religions try to circumvent reasonable doubt by saying, "Blessed are those who believe, without seeing me." How has this blessing manifested itself? Do believers live longer? Are they healthier? Is there any measurable advantage for believers? Not that I've seen. I know, their reward is found in some place we are told exists again without any evidence. Described as this:

Biblical Descriptions of Heaven

There is a constant chant of holy angels that are continually proclaiming Holy, Holy, Holy over the throne of God. The Mercy Seat in heaven where God sits is surrounded by magnificent angels full of glory and power that proclaim and bless the holy name of God without ceasing. Some of these are described as beasts, full of eyes, with six wings and neither rest day or night in their proclaiming the holiness of God (Rev. 4:8-11).

Sounds kinda noisy. What happened to that RIP stuff. I don't see anywhere where we get to go hunting 12 pointers all day.

Last edited by cooper57m; 03/24/15.