Originally Posted by APDDSN0864
Back when Wally Hickel was Governor of Alaska, he tried to get a railroad built from Fairbanks to Nome. The cost at that time was going to be over $5 million per mile for a single track. That's a shade over 400 miles, going the most direct route.

Between the Alaska Natives yelling "NIMBY!", the unions demanding that they control the job, and the enviro whack-jobs, it went nowhere.

This will go just as far.


You got that right, Ed.

If you look at the history of building the Al-Can Highway you quickly realize that the only way that it got done was that all of North America was still thinking/acting like they'd done through the WW2 years... personal sacrifice, setting aside of minor differences to get the job done, and damn the expense (in both money and human lives). It'd never be possible in today's politico-economic environment.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars