The Idea been around for a long time, its a straight forward engineering job, it could be done all you need is three things the Will to do so a boat load of money and time, it would take a good thirty years to do, maybe longer! Not just a road for Cars and trucks but also for Rail, ( the Russians use a different gauge) and an oil and gas pipe line! Winter travel thru most of it would be how should I say interesting! And then besides the construction costs, the costs of keeping the whole thing in good repair! And all the other things you would need to make it work, fuel stations, places to eat, hotels and motels- repair garages, and finally for us English speakers- there is Russian one of the hardest languages in the world to learn, then there is institutional paranoia of the Russians, the Idea of freedom of movement is fairly new to them! It would be a job creator thou! As it is the traffic on the Alaska Highway even in Season if pretty light considering and long distances between fuel stops in some places, just think you are in your car, just fueled up and the next fuel stop is 200 miles away, its 65 deg below zero and other than you on the road not a soul around-makes for a boring dash cam video, never mind about keeping a car running and yourself warm enough! It would end up a seasonal road, like some of the roads in the Yukon, and in the end it would be to expensive to construct for that very reason! In other words not in our or children or grandchildren's life times!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov