76, I hunted them with a dog once when I was pretty young, and then after I retired.. Just after I retired I spent quite a bit of time in W. Va. Lots of tall oak and hickory timber.. My pal hat mountain curs.. Beautiful little dogs.. He would turn the dog loose as we entered the timber.. Usually, we just stood quietly, soon we would hear the cur barking some distance away.. They were silent trailers.. When we got to the tree the dogs would be baying, and watching the tree so the squirrel didn't hop to another tree.. Some times the went in a hole, but usually, we would spot them lying tight on a limb.. Sometimes one of us would walk around the tree, the others stood quietly and mr. squirrel would come edging around the tree and give them a shot.. We used accurate bolt action .22's.. Some of the most fun hunting I ever did.. Sunny fall afternoons, lots of game, good friends.. About as nice as life ever gets..

Molon Labe