Someone, I can't remember who, described still hunting as "stalking the cover"; an exellent description. You hunt as though you had game in sight, even though you don't. The technique requires a certain amount of territory unoccupied by other hunters to be successful (and safe), a commodity in pretty short supply during deer seson in this part of the East. I've taken a few deer this way and count those as my greatest achievements in the field, even though the deer weren't anything special.

Once, during a gentle rain, I discovered a group of deer slowly feeding their way through the woods and managed to work my way close enough for a shot at about 20 yards. In my mind, I had that doe tagged and in the trunk, but the wretch ducked the string on me.

Great pieces on still hunting can be found in Sell's "Deer Hunters Guide", "Whitetail", by George Mattis, and of course, Koller's wonderful book.

What fresh Hell is this?